
Debate Regions for the Planet



Debate Regions for the Planet

24.04.2024, Poznań, PCC, Level 2, Earth Hall, 10:55-11:55 a.m.

One of the biggest challenges facing Poland today is ensuring energy security and the associated diversification of energy sources. Increasing the share of electricity generated from renewable energy sources (RES) in the energy balance is a development challenge not only for our country, but for most developed economies of the world.

However, global targets require local action. It is in the regions that processes will be initiated to, for example, decarbonise a given area or find suitable, implementable and usable alternative energy sources. In the face of progressive, unfavourable climate change, any measures aimed at achieving climate neutrality will also be a key factor in the further sustainable development of the regions. In both cases, the growing role of regions as innovators, exchanging knowledge, acquired competences and experience among themselves in order to build a green economy, is becoming apparent. The profound transformation that is one of the megatrends in European and global energy starts in the regions.

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