
Session Agenda 'It is bloody ambitious’ – how to achieve goals? The role of international cooperation in creating a hydrogen economy


Session Agenda
'It is bloody ambitious’ – how to achieve goals? The role of international cooperation in creating a hydrogen economy
16.05.2023, MTP, Poznań Congress Center, SALA ZIEMI





Jarosław Wajer, EY CESA Power & Utilities Leader



Robert Adamczewski, Head of Development of European Energy Polska

Cezary Kaczmarczyk, Regional Director External, Legal & Corporate Affairs, Toyota Central Europe

Piotr Kuś, General Director, ENTSOG - European Network of Transmission System Operators for Gas

Szczepan Ruman, CEO, Świętokrzyskie Industrial Group INDUSTRIA, IDA Capital Group

Józef Węgrecki, Member of the Management Board responsible for operations, PKN ORLEN S.A