
Congratulations to the winning team in the H2idea Competition


Congratulations to the winning team in the H2idea Competition organised by TÜV SÜD Polska Sp. z o.o., who received prizes during the H2POLAND 2023 Forum for their project "School Demonstrator of Solar Energy to Hydrogen Conversion - H2SQL"!

The #H2idea competition addressed to young people has come to an end. Winners have been selected and prizes will be awarded on 17 May 2023 during the 2nd Central European Hydrogen Technology Forum H2POLAND in Poznań.

This year's winner was the project entitled 'School Demonstrator for Solar to Hydrogen Conversion - H2SQL', made by a team under the auspices of the educational publisher EI System! The team consisted of Dr Dawid Frąckowiak as supervisor and Aniela Burdzińska, Julia Przekop and Franciszek Buchholz as members.

An additional attraction - apart from the financial prizes - was the fact that they were presented on stage in the Earth Hall of the Poznań Congress Centre during H2POLAND - such a large hydrogen technology event.

The organisers said at the award ceremony that the H2idea hydrogen youth competition was characterised by all the projects that had been prepared with high professionalism, potential and innovation.

"By organising such a social initiative for the first time in the history of TÜV SÜD Polska's activities, we can see how powerful a driving force and how promising a motivation for action is the attitude of young people - their courage and unconventional, fresh perspective on topics which for us, long-standing experts, are an area well known to us with well-worn paths, makes us want to blaze new trails," - write the organisers of the Competition.

On behalf of H2POLAND and TÜV SÜD Polska, we would like to thank all the participants of the H2idea Competition for taking part and presenting their ideas - each of them deserves to be appreciated and applauded!

All those who would like to try their hand at creating a hydrogen project with a real contribution to the built economy and win valuable prizes - we invite you to participate in next year's edition of the competition. More information coming soon!