
Will hydrogen power cars in Poland?


It seems that there are areas of the market where hydrogen will not play a significant role. This is the segment of cars or vans, for example," believes Maciej Mazur, managing director of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association (PAFA). In his opinion, however, it is worth watching with interest the heavy transport segment - where there are a lot of challenges and Poland must certainly take its rightful place at the top of the ranking.

Polish carriers prevail in the European Union, with many new cars over 3 tons being registered. Poland ranks third in Europe among new car registrations - only Germany and France are ahead of us. So, according to experts, we need to be open to how the heavy transport sector will change, as it can also change based on hydrogen solutions.

More than 220 entities are now gathered in PAFA, which is pursuing a vision of development in the area of transportation - both in the context of battery electromobility and hydrogen.

- We have a special Committee on Hydrogen Technologies, which is looking at how the hydrogen sector can change and affect the transportation industry. We as an organization are open to technological change and absolutely see the potential of hydrogen. For now, of course, the share of hydrogen cell cars is extremely low. It is just over 100 registrations across Poland - says Maciej Mazur, managing director of the Polish Alternative Fuels Association.

- But we certainly need to be open-minded about how the technology can support decarbonization goals. Let's remember that we have very many challenges with hydrogen. We want this hydrogen to have one specific color - because we evaluate hydrogen in colors. The hydrogen has to be green - meaning it has to come from renewable sources, because then the decarbonization goal will actually be supported. We see the potential for green hydrogen in the context of heavy-duty, long-distance transportation in particular, with trucks up to 40 tons gross vehicle weight. We also see the possibility of cooperation between battery solutions and hydrogen cell solutions - Mazur stresses.

Source: eNewsroom